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Our newsletter

Cover of March 2022 Post-Doctoral Association NewsletterIn our latest issue, we speak with Boston Children's Hospital's new chief science officer, Nancy C. Andrews, MD, PhD, and we look at the new Ombuds Office led by Jennifer Mahony.

Check out past editions of our newsletter below.


December 2021

Please check out our December newsletter, which focuses on the fellowship opportunities, what is a fellowship, health insurance programs and benefits, and more. Also, we have the pleasure to interview our new co-president, Daniëlle Peterse! This and so much more awaits you inside.

September 2021

This issue focuses on the BCH Postdoc Association Annual Survey results earlier this year.

June 2021

This issue focuses on BCH green labs. The role of the BCH green labs program is to focus: Communication/Education, Reduce/Reuse/Recycle, Energy consumption reduction. Do you want to know more? This and so much more awaits you inside!

  • June 2021 newsletter

International Day of Women & Girls in Science

Cover of March 2022 Post-Doctoral Association NewsletterOnce again, we successfully highlighted BCH women in science for the International Day of Women & Girls in Science with a beautiful poster and posts on our Twitter account (@BCHPostDoc). We invite you to check them out, like and retweet! We warmly thank all the participants for sending their picture and describing their roles in science.

We apologize for those who are not on the poster, but we encourage you to participate next year!

*Click on the poster image to view a larger version.

Post-Doctoral Association board alumni

Here is a small example of PDA board alumni who succeeded in academia and/or industry. Don’t miss your chance to grow your network, meet excellent mentors, gain organizational skills, and improve your communication by joining the board of the Post-Doctoral Association!

Meet alumni who've succeeded in academia and/or industry.

Virtual Scientific Event Support

Are you interested in a virtual scientific event or career development course, but are daunted by the fee? The PDA will fund up to $100 toward your registration fees!

Please submit an application by emailing with the following information:

  • Full name and lab
  • Title of the course
  • Date of the event
  • Four to five lines about what motivates you to attend this course, and how it helps your career

We will hold a raffle to select winners (the number of winners will depend upon the total cost of events).