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Research Administration | Overview

Research Administration provides the research community at Boston Children's Hospital with services including grants management, lab resources and facilities, clinical investigations, and clinical trials and technological development of intellectual property. Research Administration also provides administrative support to key research faculty committees including the Research Faculty Council and the RRRC, among others.

Our main objectives:

  • facilitate excellence in the conduct of research at Boston Children's
  • ensure our practices comply with the rules and guidelines of all relevant regulatory agencies
  • provide the highest level of service to our internal and external research customers
  • plan strategically for the challenges presented by our growing research enterprise and our highly innovative researchers
  • support the values and goals of Boston Children's

Institutional Review Board (IRB) Office

The Institutional Review Board (IRB) Office has been established to oversee the protection of human research subjects at Boston Children's Hospital. Boston Children's is committed to safeguarding the rights and welfare of all children, adolescents, adults, and family members who volunteer to participate in research. To this end, the IRB Office upholds the principles of the Belmont Report: Ethical Principles and Guidelines for the Protection of Human Subjects in Research as the cornerstone of our mission, organization, and daily activities.

The IRB Office is charged with two functions:

  • To provide administrative support for Children's Institutional Review Board (IRB), which was established to assure the protection of all human subjects in research projects by reviewing and approving all research that involves human subjects conducted by anyone on the premises of or under the auspices of Boston Children's Hospital.
  • To provide a mechanism for continual education and improvement for the human research protection program at Boston Children's through the Education and Quality Improvement Program (EQuIP). The goal of EQuIP is to provide education and assist investigators conduct human subjects research according to the highest ethical standards, in compliance with federal, state, and institutional regulations, and according to Good Clinical Practice guidelines through randomized or voluntary study reviews, personalized tools, and recommendations.

We welcome investigators and research staff to drop in with questions or set up meetings. The IRB Office is located at 401 Park, Landmark Center, 7th Floor East. We can be reached by phone at 617-355-7052. Our website can be found at