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Improving coordination of care | Overview


In Ghana, life-long, chronic illnesses create a


for specialized pediatric and adult care givers who do not have experience coordinating transitions of care.

Where We Started

As part of her Global Health Fellowship, Leah Ratner, MD, worked at a government-run, district-level tertiary hospital, KATH, with over a thousand inpatient beds in an underserved region of Ghana. In her time at the hospital, Dr. Ratner realized that there was no continuum of care for chronic patients transitioning into adulthood.

Our Impact

To solve this, Dr. Ratner, in collaboration with her Ghanaian counterparts is implementing a program for chronic high-need patients as they transition to adulthood, creating a bridge between providers to improve clinical coordination and support the unique psychosocial and medical needs of adolescents and young adults. She has also started additional transition-focused support avenues, including peer-to-peer mentoring and support groups.

You Can Make a Difference

With your support, we can continue to close gaps in care and work with local counterparts to improve care coordination efforts to ensure the best results for patients.