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Research Funding

A stack of coins with leaves sprouting out of them grows larger until the the final pot is a jar of coins.

The Office of the Vice Chair for Research provides funding for a wide range of research endeavors. One crucial funded resource is the Pediatric Anesthesia Research Center (PARC), a group of research assistants and research nurses that assists more than 40 investigators with all aspects of clinical research, including study design, IRB submission, data collection, and statistical analysis. The department also funds biostatisticians, bioinformaticists, and other resources. A team of grants managers support all stages of the grant application and management process. The individual divisions in the department also provide research-related services to members.

There are a variety of funding sources offered by the OVCR for the entire spectrum of research interests in the department. This includes the following specific peer-reviewed competitive annual research grants relating to bench, clinical, and outcomes/big data research:

Trailblazer Awards

Larger grants for clinical and bench research.

Ignition Awards

Smaller grants for research on any topic.

Data Quality & Outcomes Research (D-QORe) Awards

For projects harnessing data, information technology, and machine learning applications to improve health care quality and patient outcomes.

Targeted Allocations

This is a substantial fund to support specific projects and provide research support for specific investigators. These include relatively standardized packages for early stage investigators with a substantial commitment to cutting-edge research.

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