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The legislative process: The beginning


  • INTRODUCTION: House Resolution 2 (HR2)
    • Referred to House committee
    • Referred to subcommittee
    • Reported by full committee
    • Rules committee action
  • FLOOR ACTION: Debate bill, consider amendments, and vote on final passage. Bills require majority vote (218 members) to pass.


  • INTRODUCTION: Senate 1 (S1)
    • Referred to Senate committee
    • Referred to subcommittee
    • Reported by full committee
  • FLOOR ACTION: Debate bill, consider amendments, and vote on final passage. Most bills require 60 votes (3/5ths of chamber) to pass.


The next step: Conference action

A conference committee, comprised of members from each chamber, works out the differences between the two versions of the bill.

Returns to chambers


Bill is returned to the House for a vote. No amendments allowed.


Bill is returned to the Senate for a vote. No amendments allowed.

Last step: With the president

Compromised version, approved by both chambers, sent to the President. He can sign it into law or veto it and return to Congress. Congress may override veto power with two-thirds majority vote in each chamber.