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Boston Children's Hospital Archives Program

The Boston Children's Hospital Archives Program was established in 1993 to acquire, preserve, and make available the historical records that document the ongoing history of Boston Children's, its staff, support personnel, patients, and families. Serving as the hospital's memory, the archives are fertile ground from which scholars can study the institution, the field of pediatrics, and the role of health care workers.

A record of the institution's history is found in many sources — on wall plaques, in the voices of patients treated and cured, and in the careers of physicians, nurses, and administrators. Such testaments are of great value to Boston Children's and the entire field of pediatrics. The archives maintains a wide variety of collections which document the evolution of the institution as well as the guiding principles that have inspired generations of physicians, nurses, and other professionals to provide the best care for sick and injured children.

To learn more about the archives and its collections, please visit the archives website