Current Environment: Production


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Boston Children’s A.C.E. Supplier Diversity Program is a program that utilizes procurement as an equity tool to promote diversity within our supplier database. It means that the hospital is:

  • Actively seeking to attract qualified diverse business enterprises to become a part of the supply chain pool of vendors seeking contract opportunities
  • Committed to increasing opportunity for diverse suppliers: minority-owned, women-owned, veteran-owned, and socially and economically disadvantaged business enterprises
  • Educates and supports supplier diversity within our community

What is a diverse supplier?

A diverse supplier is a business that is at least 51 percent owned and operated by an individual or group that is part of a traditionally underrepresented or underserved group. Common classifications are small-business enterprises, minority-owned enterprises, and woman-owned enterprises. The definition of diversity has expanded to businesses owned by other minority groups such as LGBQT, veterans, and proprietors with disabilities.

Boston Children's commitment

Supplier diversity embodies a proactive business strategy that champions that active utilization of small, diverse-owned, and historically underrepresented businesses. By embracing supplier diversity, Boston Children’s is helping to drive economic empowerment and enrich the fabric of inclusivity within our business ecosystem.

Supplier diversity also helps to:

  • Empower diverse suppliers to expand their market share and increase their presence in the industry
  • Provides tangible benefits to the local communities
  • Supports the creation of new jobs, boosts wages, and generates higher tax revenue for the local community
  • Contracting with diverse suppliers ignites innovation by integrating different viewpoints

Interested in becoming a part of the Boston Children’s Supplier Diversity Program? Apply here.

Any questions? Contact