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Feasibility and Acceptability of Using a Portable EEG Device in Chronic Pain Patients

Principal Investigator: Joe Kossowsky, PhD, MMSc
Collaborators: Julie Shulman, PT, DPT, PhD, and Edin Randall, PhD
Research Staff: Justin Chimoff, BS, and Kelsey Jervis

What is the purpose of this study?
We are conducting this research study to determine whether patients find wearing a portable EEG device acceptable and comfortable, whether patients can tolerate the device while sleeping, and whether we can gather data on using a portable EEG measuring device to assess sleep architecture in pediatric patients with chronic pain.

What does the study involve?
If you agree to participate, you will be asked to wear the portable Dreem 2 EEG headband for three nights during sleep (two weeknights and one weekend night) every two weeks. You would not wear the device during the day; you would only wear it when you are sleeping and would take the device off the following morning. Also, you will complete a brief 5-minute sleep diary in the morning on the days following wearing the Dreem 2 EEG headband. Lastly, you will complete a questionnaire at the end of the study assessing your experience with the device. The study duration is four weeks.

Who is eligible to participate?
You can participate if you:

  • are between ages 8 and 17 with chronic pain
  • are able to wear the portable Dreem 2 EEG headband
  • are able to comprehend instructions in English

Will I receive payment for this study?
As a token of appreciation for your time and participation in the study, you will receive a $20 Amazon gift card after completing the study.

Primary Contact Information
Justin Chimoff