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Cardiac ERAS (Enhanced Recovery After Surgery) Study

Understanding the relationship between sleep, activity and pain after cardiac surgery

Principal Investigators: Nathalie Roy, MD, Roland Brusseau, MD, and Joe Kossowsky, PhD, MMSc
Research Staff: Justin Chimoff, BS, Camila Koike, Israel Abraham Gaytan Fuentes, MD, and Fernanda Parra, MD

What is the purpose of this study?
We are interested in investigating the usefulness of a wearable activity device in helping us understand the relationship between sleep, pain, and activity in adolescents following cardiac surgical procedures. We hope to use the results of this study to improve the prediction of pain levels children and adolescents experience after a surgery.

What does the study involve?
If you agree to participate, you will be asked to wear a Fitbit Charge 3 watch before your surgery and until your first post-operative encounter. You will also be asked to fill out brief daily questionnaires in a smartphone application before your surgery, during your recovery period in the hospital, and two weeks following discharge from the hospital.

Who is eligible to participate?
You can participate if you:

  • are between ages 8 and 18
  • are able to wear the Fitbit watch
  • are undergoing cardiac surgery at Boston Children’s Hospital
  • are able to comprehend instructions and complete a sleep diary in English

Will I receive payment for this study?
As a token of appreciation for your time and participation in the study, you will receive a $25 Amazon gift card after completing the study.

Primary Contact Information
Israel Abraham Gaytan Fuentes