Current Environment: Production


An important message to our patients and their caregivers.

We are here for you. Read more

Your health, climate change, and climate advocacy

Click the blue links to access educational and community resources for further information.

Providers and patients: The information below can be downloaded and printed in English and Spanish from the links below. Each download also contains a QR code for access to live links.

Did you know?

Climate change can be overwhelming, but you can be part of the solution. We can adapt, prepare, and make progress in limiting the effects of climate change through our individual actions and community engagement.

Action plan

  • Vote and advocate: Engage with community organizations in the fight against climate change.
  • Reduce, reuse, recycle (in that order!)
    • Avoid single-use products and consider donating products that you have outgrown or no longer use.
    • Turn off appliances and lights when not in use.
    • Reduce food waste and limit meat consumption by incorporating more plant-based foods in your diet and composting food scraps.
  • Be mindful of your transportation: Walking and biking reduce your carbon footprint and are good for your health; win-win! Use public transportation when you can.
    • Decrease your personal energy use and consider using renewable energy sources to power your home/vehicles if possible.

Community resources

Explore the Climate Ready Map to see how climate change impacts your neighborhood.

Start a climate group using the Toolkit for Youth Leaders to encourage climate action.

Plan your trip with public transport.

Connect with climate creators on social media platforms.

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