Current Environment: Production


An important message to our patients and their caregivers.

We are here for you. Read more

Your health, climate change, asthma, and allergies

Click the blue links to access educational and community resources for further information.

Providers and patients: The information below can be downloaded and printed in English and Spanish from the links below.  Each download also contains a QR code for access to live links.

Did you know?

Climate change creates longer, stronger pollen seasons, which can trigger asthma and make it harder to breathe. Extreme temperatures caused by climate change can also lead to asthma flares.

Action plan

  • Set up for success:
    • Have your prescribed Asthma Action Plan readily available and review it with your medical provider
    • Avoid smoke and vape exposures
    • Discuss anti-allergy medications with your medical provider
  • Be aware:
    • Check your local allergy index to assess daily risk
    • Avoid major air pollution sources like the highway or idling vehicles
  • Be prepared: 
    • Know how to quickly access your inhalers
    • Store medications at room temperature *Note: inhalers can be less effective if kept in extreme heat
  • Act quickly: Learn the signs of worsening asthma (difficulty breathing, chest pain, persistent cough, shortness of breath, etc) and seek help if you develop these symptoms!

Community resources

Check the Air Quality Index for your community. This resource monitors the five major pollutants present.

Check the allergy forecast for your community. This resource tracks the daily and projected pollen level.

Plan ahead by developing and reviewing an asthma action plan with your medical provider.