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Services We Provide | Overview

Inpatient services

We offer services to inpatients at Boston Children’s Hospital who are learning to breastfeed/chest-feed or have breastfeeding difficulties. The lactation consultants in the Lactation Support Program work closely with medical and surgical teams, nursing, nutrition, and feeding and swallowing programs, as well as with families, to achieve the best outcomes possible for our patients.

Parents who are separated from their infants and unable to breastfeed receive support to establish human milk production and maintain milk supply for when their baby is ready to transition to feeding. Management of lactation complications, specialty feeding devices, and breast pump education is part of each clinical consultation.

Outpatient services

We offer outpatient lactation consultation services at Children’s Hospital Primary Care Center, located on our main campus in the Longwood Medical Area.  Your child must be followed by a pediatrician at CHPCC to use this service. 

To find a lactation consultant in your area for outpatient services, visit

Prenatal lactation consults: Fetal Care and Surgery Center

We offer prenatal consultation for families expecting a baby with medical complications that may require surgery or hospitalization after birth to help you prepare for how this event will impact your lactation experience. Ask your Fetal Care and Surgery Center provider to schedule a consult.

The Milk Pod™ Lactation Supplies Vending Machine

The vending machine is located in the hospital’s main lobby, near the inpatient elevators.

What’s available:

  • retail sales of breast pump spare parts, nipple shields, and lactation aides
  • nursing bras, bra pads, and nipple ointment
  • Dr. Brown feeding bottles, bottle nipples, and specialty feeders.