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Transitioning to Adult Neurological Care | Overview

Children with neurological disorders often need lifelong support. The Department of Neurology at Boston Children’s Hospital is committed to helping you make a smooth transition from pediatric care to adult care.

Steps to transitioning to adult care

  • STEP 1: Transition readiness (getting you involved in your own care)
    At about age 12, we may begin speaking with you during appointments without your parent or guardian present, if appropriate. We’ll begin to discuss how to get ready to transition to adult care.
  • STEP 2: Legal adult/turning 18
    At age 18, you legally become an adult, which changes what information is shared with your parents/caregivers. This means we will have more detailed discussions with you about transitioning to adult neurological care.
  • STEP 3: Graduating to adult care (moving to an adult provider)
    When you’re 18-26 years old, you’ll graduate from Boston Children’s Hospital to an adult-care neurology team at a different care center or hospital.

You can find more detailed information with our "Patient-Family Education Sheet" PDF download.

Patients 18+ looking to establish Neurology care

Patients age 18 and older who need neurological care but are not already followed by the Department of Neurology at Boston Children’s will be referred to an adult neurology practice.

Below are links for adult neurology practices in the Boston area: