Please click on linked workshop titles to view.
ChatGPT in Research
April 5, 2024
Speakers: Benjamin Rader, PhD; Dinesh Rai, MD; Melissa Stewart, MPH
The final session will focus on the utilization of ChatGPT and LLMs in research. We'll discuss translating research findings into practice, and strategies for risk mitigation and navigating the IRB (Institutional Review Board) process related to the use of LLMs in research settings.
Clinical Applications of ChatGPT
March 21, 2024
Speakers: Timothy Driscoll; Benjamin Rader, PhD; Dinesh Rai, MD; Melissa Stewart, MPH
Practical clinical applications of ChatGPT and LLMs, including creating patient-facing documentation, effective prompting techniques for better responses and limitations/ethical considerations associated with the use of these technologies.
The ABCs of ChatGPT
March 8, 2024
Speakers: John Brownstein, PhD; Timothy Driscoll; Benjamin Rader, PhD; Dinesh Rai, MD; Melissa Stewart, MPH
This session will serve as an introductory guide to ChatGPT and Large Language Models (LLMs). We'll delve into what LLMs are, explore various clinical use cases, discuss the associated risks in use of this technology, and provide an overview of hospital resources.
Negotiating Across Power Differentials
March 12, 2024
Speaker: Jenn Mahony, BCH Ombuds
Passcode: *bH6&Zb@
Communication in a Multicultural Environment
October 31, 2023
Speaker: Jenn Mahony, BCH Ombuds
Passcode: 89t2mpJ#
Panel discussion: Making History on 'The Exceptions: Nancy Hopkins, MIT, and the Fight for Women in Science
September 12, 2023
Panelists: Kate Zernike, MA, National Correspondent for New York Times; Marcia McNutt, PhD, President, National Academy of Sciences; Robert Birgeneau, PhD, Chancellor Emeritus, UC Berkeley; Nancy Andrews, MD, PhD, Executive VP, Chief Scientific Officer at BCH and Home Secretary, National Academy of Sciences; The panel was moderated by Eman Ansari, MD, MPH, Division of Emergency Medicine, Assistant Professor of Pediatrics, HMS.
The Office of the Executive Vice President and Chief Scientific Officer, the Office of Faculty Development, the Office for Women's Careers, the Office of Health Equity and Inclusion, the Division of Emergency Medicine, the Boston Children's Book Club, and the Network Community of Care Program hosted a panel discussion of Kate Zernike’s book "Making History: The Exceptions: Nancy Hopkins, MIT, and the Fight for Women in Science.

Writing for Scientific Publication
May 11, 2023
Speakers: Lydia Shrier, MD, MPH; Amy Shafrir, ScD
Passcode: +&A#y7DF
Getting Your Clinical Research Funded
May 16, 2023
Speaker: Isaac Kohane, MD, PhD
Passcode: h3eMX?jD
Creating Joy via Your Personal Interests
April 25, 2023
Speakers: Hans Oettgen, MD, PhD; Eman Ansari, MD, MPH; Alan Leichtner, MD, MSHPEd; Elissa Weitzman, ScD
Passcode: rg6ihXT!
Introduction to ICite
October 27, 2022
Speaker: Chloe Rotman, MLIS, Manager of BCH Library Services
For more information, email library@childrens.harvard.edu.
Top 10 Strategies for Success in Academic Medicine
January 21, 2021
Speaker: Jean Emans, MD, Director of the Office of Faculty Development
OFD programs and workshops
Our workshop facilitators are faculty members and administrators from Boston Children's Hospital and Harvard Medical School, as well as professional consultants, who have excellent track records in leading discussions. For announcements of new programs, watch your email, check the internal homepage, and read Perspectives.
To request a workshop handout from an OFD program, please email ofd@childrens.harvard.edu.
Recent programs and workshops include:
- Promotion sessions by Boston Children’s senior faculty and HMS OFA leaders highlighting the HMS promotion criteria and CV format
- Orientation luncheon for new faculty with senior leaders
- OFD fellowship and medical education award ceremony to honor faculty who have been awarded Boston Children’s and HMS fellowships, research, and medical education grants
- Dealing Effectively with Abrasive Personalities by Melissa Brodrick, MEd, HMS Ombuds Office; and Christine Power, MS, Director, DFCI Office for Faculty Development
- Negotiating Up by Melissa Brodrick, MEd, HMS Ombuds Office
- How to Plan a Productive Annual Career Conference, by Jean Emans, MD; Margaret Kenna, MD, MPH; and Alan Leichtner, MD, MSHPEd
- Getting Your Clinical Research Funded, by Isaac Kohane, MD, PhD
- Time Management Solutions, by Lydia Shrier, MD, MPH; and Judith Zola, MBA
- Getting Your K Award Funded: Constructing the Career Development Plan and Mentor’s Statement, by Maria Kontaridis, PhD, Associate Professor of Medicine, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center
- Preparing an NIH or Foundation Budget, by Theresa Applegate, Office of Sponsored Programs (OSP)