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Clinical and Translational Research Resources | Overview

Please visit the following pages for information to research resources for Harvard faculty at Children's.

The Harvard Catalyst: the Harvard Clinical and Translational Science Center

Harvard Medical School (HMS) and its affiliated healthcare institutions have formed the Harvard Catalyst: the Harvard Clinical and Translational Science Center, to assist students, fellows, and faculty in their research career development. The website provides links to finding research study groups, colloquia and conferences, as well as to the HMS educational and grant programs. A major focus of this initiative will be on mentoring. Investigators can build a unique research identity by posting their profile through online tools, and, simultaneously, reach out to the HMS community.

Harvard Catalyst website

Institutional Centers for Clinical and Translational Research (formerly, Clinical Research Center)

The Institutional Centers for Clinical and Translational Research (ICCTR) at Boston Children’s Hospital is an academic and service research center that provides assistance and education to the clinical research community. ICCTR directly supports one of the core mission areas at Boston Children's — to be the leading source of research and discovery.

Institutional Centers for Clinical and Translational Research (ICCTR) website

The Translational Research Program (TRP) at Boston Children's Hospital

The mission of the Translational Research Program (TRP) at Boston Children's Hospital is to facilitate the development of non-clinical and human clinical trials that seek to improve pediatric health, and to ensure an adequate infrastructure to support non-clinical and clinical translational research projects.

Translational Research Program (TRP) website