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Web Directory | Overview

The following is a partial list of web sites related to faculty development at Boston Children's Hospital:

HMS Links:

HMS Ombuds Office assists faculty in confidential problem-solving
HMS Ombuds Office

The HMS Foundation Funds Program administers the nomination process for HMS/HSDM faculty and postdocs for funding opportunities from private foundations that require candidates to be nominated by either Harvard Medical School or Harvard University.
HMS Foundation Funds

HMS/HSDM Minority Faculty Development Program supports underrepresented minority faculty members through initiatives and workshops
HMS/HSDM Minority Faculty Development Program

The Work/Life Liaison on the Harvard University Longwood Campus provides information, resources, referrals, educational programs and support related to managing your Work/Life Balance.
Work/Life Liaison at Harvard Longwood

HMS/HSDM Joint Committee on the Status of Women facilitates the development and contribution of women on all HMS campuses
HMS/HSDM Joint Committee on the Status of Women