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Retreats | Overview


Funding for retreats/symposia/workshops to foster interactions across the spectrum of research and clinical activities. The TRP will provide up to $3K matching funds. Applications are accepted on a rolling basis.

Contact the TRP at with any questions.

Funding availability

Retreats/Workshops/Symposia: Support is available for multidisciplinary retreats/workshops/symposia (at BCH or off-campus) for up to $3,000/event. Funds are contingent upon matching funds (1:1) derived from other resources (typically clinical or research division/department resources or grants). Awards are made on a continuing basis, so early application in the fiscal year is encouraged.


Applications will be accepted from all faculty of Boston Children's Hospital, including nursing, health outcomes and other health care faculty with advanced degrees (MD, PhD, MD-PhD, or equivalent). Clusters of investigators spanning disciplines and pro-grams made up of basic and clinical faculty are strongly encouraged.

TRP Retreat Funding Application