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Evaluating the clinical effectiveness of Gabapentin and Oxcarbazepine for Chronic Neuropathic Pain | Overview


Given the widespread use of anticonvulsants in the pediatric chronic pain population and the absence of scientific data supporting their use, our group is conducting a randomized, double blind, two group parallel design in which a broad group of children and adolescents with chronic neuropathic pain would be randomized to receive either Gabapentin or Oxcarbazepine. The primary aim of the study is to assess the frequencies of successful treatment of pediatric patients with neuropathic pain treated with either Gabapentin or Oxcarbazepine.  We hypothesize that:

  • Both Gabapentin and Oxcarbazepine will result in significant reduction in pain scores when compared to each patient’s baseline.  
  • Patients who continue on active drug (Gabapentin or Oxcarbazepine) during the second phase of the trial will report greater pain reduction relative to baseline than patients who are randomized onto placebo at this randomization point. 

Secondary Aims of the Study are to compare groups treated initially with Gabapentin or Oxcarbazepine with regard to reduction in pain scores (both at rest and with evoked maneuvers), functional disability scores, tolerability, and measures of mood and cognitive functioning.    

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