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What is food protein-induced enterocolitis syndrome (FPIES)?

Food protein-induced enterocolitis syndrome (FPIES) is a type of delayed food allergy.  Children with FPIES present with delayed vomiting within one to four hours of ingestion of the trigger food, and children may also be lethargic, pale, and have diarrhea. The most common trigger foods are:

  • Cow’s milk
  • Soy
  • Rice
  • Oat

However, many other food triggers exist outside of the common ones. FPIES is different from traditional food allergies that cause reactions such as hives, trouble breathing, or vomiting soon after eating a food. Because the symptoms are delayed, it can be hard to diagnose FPIES until a pattern is noticed.

Why choose the FPIES Program?

In the FPIES Program, our team includes experts from different specialties who have expertise in allergic gastrointestinal conditions. Together, we provide comprehensive care for children with FPIES. 

Our goal is to improve the quality of life for patients and families affected by FPIES. We offer:

  • Complete evaluation for children who have or may have a diagnosis of FPIES.
  • Testing when needed, including:
  • Nutrition evaluation and dietary guidance by a dietitian with expertise in food allergies and GI disorders.
  • Education for the patient and family.
  • School/child care/camp advocacy to help educate your child’s teachers and caregivers.
  • Follow-up care via:
    • In-person appointments

A team approach to FPIES

Treating children with FPIES requires close communication with several different types of specialists. Having a team of these experts gives your child the best and most complete care possible. Our team is made up of:

  • Board-certified pediatric allergists who specialize in FPIES and can identify specific food triggers that could be causing FPIES, evaluate for other allergic processes, provide guidance on food introduction, and conduct food challenges
  • Board-certified pediatric gastroenterologists who specialize in FPIES
  • Pediatric psychologist
  • Registered dietitians who will:
    • Review your child’s nutrition intake
    • Make an individualized food and nutrition recommendations for your child
    • Help you make sure your child is getting enough nutrients, even on a restricted diet
  • Our team also regularly collaborates with: 
    • Speech therapists who specialize in feeding problems associated with FPIES 
    • Social workers
    • Child life specialists who can help your child feel more comfortable in the hospital setting and support them throughout procedures