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Dorys Lemus | Medical Services

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Dorys Lemus | Professional History

Dorys Lemus is a Cultural Broker & Consultant at the Boston Children’s Hospital Trauma and Community Resilience Center. At the TCRC, Dorys has been instrumental in the continued adaptation, dissemination, and implementation of the Trauma Systems Therapy for Refugees (TST-R) model for youth and families of Central American and other Spanish-language backgrounds. In addition to her consulting, training, and product development work at the TCRC, she has also worked as a cultural consultant for programs based at Duke University and Massachusetts General Hospital.

Dorys first connected with the TCRC team through a collaborative project with the Alliance for Inclusion and Prevention, a Boston-based non-profit working in the child mental health and special education sectors. Dorys came to the U.S. in 2013 from El Salvador as an unaccompanied minor. She is a 2017 graduate of Somerville High School and is currently studying psychology at Bunker Hill Community College.