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An important message to our patients and their caregivers.

We are here for you. Read more

Family Celebration Day

Every year, transplant recipients and their immediate families (parents/guardians and siblings) are invited to join the Pediatric Transplant Center staff at Kimball Farm in Westford, Mass., for a fun-filled day of games, food, socializing, and transplant education.

If you have any questions regarding registration, please contact the Pediatric Transplant Center at or 877-894-7337.

Family Celebration Day is supported by donations made to the Pediatric Transplant Center. Donations also help enhance the quality of life for many of our transplant patients and their families by allowing us to provide those in need with necessities like immunosuppression medication, lodging, and food. Support the Pediatric Transplant Center.

Eversource Walk for Boston Children's Hospital

Every year, the Pediatric Transplant Center has a team that participates in the Eversource Walk for Boston Children's Hospital. If you would like to donate to the team, donations can still be made via a secure web page with your credit card.

Every penny donated for team Pediatric Transplant Center goes into our special needs fund. This fund is used to help patients and families with costs due to transportation, expensive medicines, and so on.