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Researcher | Research Overview

Dr. Deborah Waber’s research investigates in a developmental context the influence of endogenous and exogenous factors on children’s cognitive and behavioral functioning. Subjects of research include normative brain and behavioral development, developmentally based disabilities, especially learning disabilities, and pediatric conditions that affect brain development. Specific research areas include neurobehavioral aspects of learning disabilities, effects of childhood cancer and other pediatric conditions on neurobehavioral development, and long-term and intergenerational neurobehavioral impacts of infantile malnutrition.


Researcher | Research Background

Deborah Waber holds a PhD in Psychology from Yale University. She serves as Director of Scientific Review and Quality, Department of Psychiatry, Director of the Learning Disabilities Program in the Department of Neurology, Co-Director of the Behavioral Science Core in the Clinical Research Center, and Co-Director of the Neurobehavior Core in the Translational Neuroscience Center.


Researcher | Publications