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Surgery Research | Overview

We support basic, translational, and clinical research with the potential to improve outcomes of pediatric surgical patients. Boston Children’s surgical research laboratories incorporate the work of a series of principal investigators with varied research interests, reflecting the broad range of general pediatric surgery.

Our laboratories focus on regenerative medicine (tissue engineering and other cell-based strategies), fetal therapy and biology, lung and liver regeneration, transplantation, nutrition, short bowel syndrome, oncology, angiogenesis, vascular anomalies, and surgical outcomes. Our laboratories also promote innovation in all aspects of pediatric surgery, including instrument development and the creation of new operations.

The education of future leaders in pediatric surgery is also of paramount interest to us. For more than 20 years, our Pediatric Surgical Research Fellowship Program has selected promising general surgical residents with an interest in pediatric surgery to participate in two to three years of intense training and research. The majority of these individuals have become practicing pediatric surgeons and are at the vanguard of academic pediatric surgery.

Our facilities include laboratories on Karp 11, a Surgical Clinical Research Core, and an Innovation Center.

Principal Investigators

Meet our team

Surgical Clinical Research Core

The Surgical Clinical Research Core helps coordinate research projects and clinical studies for faculty as well as coordinating and participating in national multisite consortiums on behalf of the department. The Core consists of clinical research specialists, clinical research assistants, and two biostatisticians. A few current areas of focus include: