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Stroke and Cerebrovascular Disorders | Overview


International Pediatric Stroke Study

This study initiated in 2003 is run by the International Pediatric Stroke Study (IPSS), a network of many centers interested in childhood stroke. The network has grown to over 149 co-investigators at 91 centers spanning 22 countries. Dr. Michael Rivkin, director of the Cerebrovascular Disorders and Stroke program is the principal investigator at Children’s Hospital Boston. The purpose of this research study is to learn more about childhood stroke (sudden blockage of blood flow to part of the brain). Stroke is uncommon in children compared to adults, and it is not well understood. Researchers want to develop as clear an understanding of stroke in children as possible. By pooling information about childhood stroke with children from other countries, researchers hope to obtain a clearer picture of stroke in children and answer important questions about the kinds of stroke, the reasons for stroke, and the treatments for children with stroke.