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Center for Platelet Research Studies Research | Overview


The Center for Platelet Research Studies is an internationally recognized multidisciplinary center for the study of platelet function by state of the art methods. The Center undertakes basic, translational, and clinical research, including clinical trials of drugs, devices, and tests.

Major current interests of the Center are: antiplatelet therapy, including the development of novel antiplatelet agents; development of novel platelet-related therapies for sickle cell disease; development of induced pluripotent stem cell-derived platelets for transfusion into patients; treatment of wounds with autologous platelet gels; the role of platelet function in the bleeding associated with immune thrombocytopenia (ITP); the role of platelet function in the bleeding associated with hemophilia; and various platelet substudies as part of large randomized controlled trials.

In addition to the pursuit of our academic interests, we perform studies in collaboration with pharmaceutical, biotechnology, medical device, and instrumentation companies.