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An important message to our patients and their caregivers.

We are here for you. Read more

Our Patients | Overview

Mikey stands on top of electric mini BMW

Mikey’s Whirlwind Week

Sometimes in life you need to react dramatically and instantly — as if you had suddenly found yourself at a starting line, needing to do whatever it takes to go from zero to 100 m.p.h. Read more


Rescuing Katie’s Vision

Many people do not realize that a young child, even a newborn, can have cataracts, a condition more commonly associated with older people. Rob Baum knew because he had them back in 1966 when he was a toddler. Read more


Enabling Allie to See Again

During her first year of life, Allie DeFrancisco's vision seemed perfect. But by the time she was 15 months old, she developed cataracts, a clouding of the eyes' lenses that affects less than one percent of all children. Read more