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An important message to our patients and their caregivers.

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Preparing for your appointment

Please download our intake form. Email, fax, or mail back to us before your visit.

What should I bring?

It is helpful if you can bring in your child’s usual feeding equipment (e.g. bottle and any nipples used, spoons, cups, etc.). For toddlers and older children, we often will ask that you bring in two to three foods your child will eat, as well as two to three foods you would like your child to eat, but they struggle with. Also, bring their preferred drink/liquid and their usual cup or bottle that they use for drinking.

Should my child eat anything before our visit?

For a clinical feeding evaluation, your child should come hungry to the appointment. We usually recommend not giving them anything to eat or drink for two to three hours prior to the appointment.

For a modified barium swallow (MBS) study, your child should not be fed two to three hours prior to the appointment so that he/she is hungry for the appointment.

Medications can be offered as scheduled.

(Note: If your child is on continuous tube feeds or tightly monitored intake, please check with your physician before stopping feeds).

How long will the appointment take?