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An important message to our patients and their caregivers.

We are here for you. Read more

For Referring Physicians | Overview

The Center for Advanced Intestinal Rehabilitation at Boston Children's Hospital is here to help you provide your patients with specialty care, including the expertise of world-renowned gastroenterologists and surgeons.

Our approach to care is a team effort among dedicated specialists committed to making a difference for every child. We will continue to collaborate with you and other providers in the ongoing treatment of your patient. Our goal is always to partner with and maintain continuity of care with primary providers.

Watch our panel of short bowel syndrome experts discuss topics related to management of complex short bowel syndrome and hot topics in care.

Refer a patient to the Center for Advanced Intestinal Rehabilitation

Our goal is to make your referrals to us as convenient as possible for both you and your patient. For referrals to the Center for Advanced Intestinal Rehabilitation at Boston Children's Hospital, please call 617-355-5275 or email