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Preparing for your clinic visit in the Atopic Dermatitis Center

Planning ahead and being prepared helps ease the way and decrease your wait. Filling out paperwork and faxing your insurance information before your appointment assists us in making sure that your appointment is as productive as possible.

For more information, please read our Family Education sheet.


Please fill out the following forms to help us determine if the Atopic Dermatitis Center is right for your child. Once the forms are completed and returned to us, the scheduling office will contact you.

Please return forms to


Your child may see two or three providers. Each provider will bill separately. Please use the following NPI numbers to obtain an insurance referral or authorization from his/her primary care provider:

Allergy: Lynda C. Schneider, MD, and Karol Timmons, PNP: 1891891826
Nutrition: Wendy Elverson, RD: 1710087127
Psychology: Jennifer LeBovidge, PhD: 1972542769 (individual NPI) OR 1457306664 (group NPI)

Preparing for your virtual visit in the Atopic Dermatitis Center

To have a virtual visit, you just need a mobile device or a computer with a Wi-Fi connection.

Once the appointment is scheduled, you will receive an email with the Zoom meeting ID and link. Please download the Zoom application, and on the day/time of your appointment login and join the meeting. On the day of the visit you can video chat with your provider/s and share screens.

Before the virtual visit with your provider, you will need to do the following:

* — Follow these instructions to upload questionnaires, photos, or other documents to the MyChildren’s Patient Portal.

At the time of the virtual visit:

  • Log in and join the meeting five minutes before your visit
  • Ensure that the patient is present and awake
  • Use Wi-Fi but depending on your connectivity, data may work better
  • Call the virtual visit support line if you have any issues at 617-919-4390