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High Quality Handoffs

Currently, it is rare for a provider to have any clinical information on a patient prior to their first visit. This gap in communication between referring providers and subspecialists regarding the reason behind their referral creates significant issues in the administration of care, including confusion on roles and responsibilities, unaddressed objectives in clinical care, and frustration across PCPs, subspecialists, patients, and their families.

In order to improve the quality of handoffs surrounding referrals, the Integrated Care Program developed the “Clinician Reason for BCH Visit” form, with the goal of supporting the transmission of the elements of a high quality handoff. These elements include the referring provider’s reason for visit, key clinical and psychosocial information on the patient, and the expected referral relationship. At Boston Children's, this tool is currently utilized by all major regional referring partners.

Click here for an example of the tool.

For further information, please contact