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Researcher | Research Overview

Karameh Hawash Kuemmerle’s clinical interests have led her to participate in research projects studying mild traumatic brain injury and concussion. These projects range from investigating risk factors for prolonged post concussive symptoms in certain patients and pharmacological treatment of these patients to the development of new clinical offerings such as telehealth services. She also as an interest in childhood epilepsy and has participated in studies of Rolandic epilepsy genetics and associated cognitive dysfunction.


Researcher | Research Background

Karameh Hawash Kuemmerle is a graduate of the University of Jordan Medical School. She specializes in traumatic brain injury and epilepsy. She completed her residency in Pediatrics at the Henry Ford Hospital and fellowships in Pediatric Neurology and Pediatric Epilepsy at the Tufts New England Medical Center, Floating Hospital for Children. She currently works in the Brain Injury Center at Boston Children’s Hospital as Director of Neurological Outcomes.

Selected Publications

  1. Hawash KY, Rosman NP. Do partial seizures predict an increased risk of seizure recurrence after antiepilepsy drugs are withdrawn? J Child Neurol. 2003 May;18(5):331
  2. Boxerman JL, Hawash K, Bali B, Clarke T, Rogg J, Pal DK. Is Rolandic epilepsy associated with abnormal findings on cranial MRI? Epilepsy Res. 2007 Jul;75(2-3):180-5. PMCID: PMC2001310.
  3. Blume H, Hawash K. Subacute concussion-related symptoms and postconcussion syndrome in pediatrics. Curr Opin Pediatr. 2012 Dec;24(6):724-30.

Researcher | Publications