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For Providers | Overview

The Lymphedema Program at Boston Children's aims to:

  • provide consultation, diagnosis, and management options
  • improve treatments through clinical and basic research

Training and education

Currently, we have an opportunity for one lymphedema research fellow per year. We are interested in training medical students, residents, and fellows who plan a career in academic plastic surgery. Typical fellowships last 12 to 24 months. Research fellows will have an appointment at Harvard Medical School and will have opportunities for both basic science and clinical research.

For additional information contact:
Arin K. Greene MD, MMSc
Boston Children's Hospital
Department of Plastic and Oral Surgery
300 Longwood Ave.
Boston, MA 02115
Phone: 617-355-2306
Fax: 617-738-1657


The Lymphedema Program is actively involved in research to:

  • investigate the pathophysiology of lymphedema to improve management
  • develop novel operative treatments
  • determine the efficacy of pneumatic compression and other non-invasive treatments
  • study the natural history of lymphedema


The mission of the laboratory is to develop improved treatments through basic science research.

Selected publications

  • Slavin, S. A., Schook, C. C., Green, A. K. Lymphedema. (2008). British Medical Journal (BMJ) Point-of-Care 2009;
  • Brorson, H., Ohlin, K. et al. (2008). "Controlled compression and liposuction treatment for lower extremity lymphedema." Lymphology 41(2): 52-63.
  • Warren, A. G., Brorson, H., et al. (2007). "Lymphedema: a comprehensive review." Annals of Plastic Surgery 59(4): 464-72.
  • Warren, A. G., Janz, B. A., et al. (2007). "Evaluation and management of the fat leg syndrome." Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery 119(1): 9e-15e.
  • Warren, A. G. and Slavin, S. A (2007). "Scar lymphedema: fact or fiction?" Annals of Plastic Surgery 59(1): 41-5.
  • Greene, A. K., Slavin, S. A., et al. (2006). "Treatment of lower extremity lymphedema with suction-assisted lipectomy." Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery 118(5): 118e-121e.
  • Greene, A. K., Borud, L., et al. (2005). "Blood pressure monitoring and venipuncture in the lymphedematous extremity." Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery 116(7): 2058-9.
  • Slavin, S. A., Van den Abbeele, A. D., et al. (1999). "Return of lymphatic function after flap transfer for acute lymphedema." Annals of Surgery 229(3): 421-7.
  • Brorson, H. and Svensson, H. (1998). "Liposuction combined with controlled compression therapy reduces arm lymphedema more effectively than controlled compression therapy alone." Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery 102(4): 1058-67.
  • Miller, T. A., Wyatt, L. E., et al. (1998). "Staged skin and subcutaneous excision for lymphedema: a favorable report of long-term results." Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery 102(5): 1486-98; discussion 1499-501.
  • Slavin, S. A., Upton, J., et al. (1997). "An investigation of lymphatic function following free-tissue transfer." Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery 99(3): 730-41; discussion 742-3.