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The Endodontics Program, located within the Department of Dentistry at Boston Children’s Hospital, provides comprehensive treatment for children and adolescents with dental trauma or extensive tooth decay.

Endodontics is a division of dentistry that specializes in the study and treatment of diseases of the tissues in the middle of the tooth (also called the “pulp” or the “nerve”). THis is commonly referred to as "a root canal" or "root canal treatment".

Diseased nerves are caused by two things:

  1. Decay (bacteria)
  2. Trauma

Treatment for these types of issues typically includes removing diseased r damaged nerves, followed by a crown or filling. Providing endodontic treatment to a pediatric population may require special treatment. If a child’s root is immature (young) and not fully formed, they are weaker and their roots are shorter than fully developed teeth. This situation requires additional dental knowledge and training in order to properly manage the affected tooth.

Few endodontic practices focus on children. Our clinicians are specially trained to provide dental care tailored to address special needs and concerns of children. Years of experience have given us unique insight into the physical and emotional needs of this population.

Our expertise

We offer endodontic treatment to individuals from young children to young adults.

In addition to treating children who are healthy, our endodontic specialists have substantial experience treating children with medical, emotional and physical challenges. In fact, 60 percent of Boston Children’s dental patients have special needs ranging from autism spectrum disorders, to bipolar disorder and to cerebral palsy. We also treat children with medical conditions such as blood dysplasia and uncontrolled diabetes.

Our mission

  • We aim to deliver the highest quality care using an approach that will make the experience as pleasant as possible for both the child and parents. We do this by establishing trusting relationships with each child, answering their questions honestly and making sure they understand the treatment process.
  • We aim to provide the appropriate endodontic care for all children and adolescents, taking into consideration the child's history with dental treatment and used of adjunctive therapies for the anxious or fearful patient.