Child life specialists work to enhance patients’ emotional, social, and cognitive growth during a hospital visit, taking into consideration each child’s family, culture, and developmental needs. They use developmental interventions and play to help patients and families adjust to and understand their health care experiences. For more information about child life specialists, visit the Association for Child Life Professionals.
Child Life specialists:
- Promote patients’ development by normalizing daily routines, activities, and environment
- Educate and prepare patients and families about the healthcare experience in an approach that meets their individual needs
- Provide individualized support to siblings of hospitalized children
- Encourage developmentally appropriate activities and play
- Help patients enhance their coping skills when dealing with fear, pain, anxiety, and separation from family, friends, and their familiar environments
- Provide consultation to healthcare team and supports families regarding patients’ developmental and psychosocial issues
- Provide individualized support before, during, and after medical procedures
- Facilitate medical play in individual and group settings
- Promote family centered care by offering information, advocacy, and guidance
- Educate hospital staff about child development and related issues
- Initiate tutoring support for patients missing school due to hospitalization
- Support celebrations of milestones including birthdays and holidays
- Supervise and train student interns and volunteers
Watch: What is Child Life?

Meet the team
Clinical and Program Managers
6 Northeast - Inpatient Oncology
6 West - Stem Cell Transplant
6 - Inpatient Oncology
7 West - Medicine Patient Service
7 Bert & 8 Bert – Medical-Surgical ICU
Mariah Stevens, MS, CCLS **
Mae Edwards, MA, CCLS
Open position
Open position
Hale 8 Cardiac/ICU
Hale 9 Cardiac
Hale 7 Cardiac ICU
Kate Antomaria, MS, CCLS
Open position
Open position
9 Northwest - Neurology
9 East - Medicine Patient Services
Open position
9 East - Behavioral Health/Medicine
Open position
8 Mandell - Medicine
Open position
9 South - Inpatient Medicine/Intermediate Care Program
10 Berthiaume
10 Northwest - Surgery
Rachel Malieswski, MS, CCLS
Daniela Ramirez, MS, CCLS
10 Hale Complex Surgical
11 Berthiaume
Kristen Fraher, MS, CCLS
Open position
11 Hale Neonatal Intensive Care
6 South - Cardiac Catheterization Lab/Cardiac/Cardiac Pre-Op
Autism Spectrum Center
Brookline Place
Children's Hospital Primary Care Center
Open position
Emergency Department
GI Clinic and GI Procedure Unit
Nuclear Medicine
Phlebotomy/Pre-Op Admitting
Pre-Op Holding/PACU
Radiology - Fluoroscopy
Radiology - MRI
Trust and Special Events
Volunteer Services
Hale Family Center for Families
Hale Family Center for Families/Pawprints
Child Life Specialist-Seacrest Studios
Simulator Program (SIMPeds)
Patient Tech Specialists
Child Life Resource
Per Diem Child Life
Per Diem Child Life Support Staff
Kelly Carey
Jenna Iacobucci
Nina Lira
Cydnee Szumierz
Samantha Gentle
Sonja Jensen
Elizabeth Kelly
Kate Sprague
Lindsey Heigh
Boston Children's at Martha Eliot
North Dartmouth
Martha Eliot Early Intervention
Open position
Waltham Infusion
Waltham Surgery
Maureen Farrell, MS, CCLS
Open position