Current Environment: Production


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Boston Children's Waltham
9 Hope Ave.
Waltham, MA 02453
Fax: 781-216-3155

If you would like more information on scheduling an appointment, please call 781-216-2799 or email

Driving directions

From the North (Route 128/Interstate 95)

  • Take exit 41 (formerly exit 26) to Waltham/Weston.
  • Bear left around the Route 20 rotary towards Waltham/Boston (Route 20 East).
  • At the third set of lights, bear right onto Vernon Street.
  • Proceed ¼ mile and turn right onto South Street.
  • Proceed another ¼ mile and turn left onto Highland Street.
  • Continue 400 feet and turn right onto Hope Avenue.
  • Follow the signs for Boston Children’s Waltham.
  • Park in the garage and walk toward the main entrance.
  • The entrance to the Balance and Vestibular Program is located outside of the hospital, directly to the right of the main entrance.

From the South (Route 128/Interstate 95)

  • Take exit 41 (formerly exit 26) to Waltham/Weston.
  • Follow signs for Route 20 East toward Waltham.
  • Stay on Route 20/Weston Street for one mile into Waltham.
  • At the third set of lights, bear right onto Vernon Street.
  • Proceed ¼ mile and turn right onto South Street.
  • Proceed another ¼ mile and turn left onto Highland Street.
  • Continue 400 feet and turn right onto Hope Avenue.
  • Follow the signs for Boston Children’s Waltham.
  • Park in the garage and walk toward the main entrance.
  • The entrance to the Balance and Vestibular Program is located outside of the hospital, directly to the right of the main entrance.

Due to constant traffic on Route 128/Interstate 95, please plan accordingly and arrive 10 to 15 minutes earlier to complete the check-in paper work.

International patients

For families residing outside of the United States, please contact Boston Children's Global Services, which facilitates the medical review of patient records and appointment scheduling and which provides assistance with customs and immigration, transportation, and hotel and housing accommodations.