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An important message to our patients and their caregivers.

We are here for you. Read more

Getting Started | Overview

Our intake team will guide you to the first available appointment that best meets your needs and can also facilitate visits with our specialty providers. In addition to the our ASD team of providers, many of our specialists in psychiatry, gastroenterology, nutrition, genetics, sleep, epilepsy and occupational therapy have expertise in working with children with ASD. We also have a great family support team that helps you connect with resources in your community.

New patient intake packets by age

Learn about preparing your child for a medical appointment.

We do not evaluate patients in crisis. For immediate safety concerns, call 911 or your local emergency services provider team, or go to the nearest hospital emergency department.

Health insurance

Many insurance companies require a referral or prior authorization for coverage of services. Read more about accepted health insurances at Boston Children’s Hospital and participation in these plans.

Requesting an evaluation

To request an evaluation and new patient intake packet, please visit the request an appointment page or call us at 617-355-7493.

A completed copy of our new patient intake packet is required in order to be added to our waiting list. The packets are also available above in PDF format. We also request copies of supporting documentation including:

  • Any recent testing, including cognitive/psychological testing, and speech, occupational therapy, or physical therapy evaluations
  • Records of any early intervention services or IEP/504 plans
  • Past medical and diagnostic assessments

The intake packet and supporting documentation provides us with information about your child that will help make your visit more efficient and the evaluation more comprehensive.

Please return completed paperwork via mail, email, or fax to:

Autism Spectrum Center
Attn: Intake Coordinators
300 Longwood Ave., BCH3433
Boston, MA 02115

