Current Environment: Production


Parents with infants or young adult children seeking treatment may come to the Boston Children's emergency center any time without an appointment. In accordance with regulations and in an attempt to provide the highest level of care to all patients, the staff in the emergency department does not dispense advice over the telephone. Any parent whose child has received treatment in the emergency department should feel free to return if they have concerns related to an illness or injury that was treated in the emergency department. Many conditions evolve and change over time, and we are always more than willing to repeat an evaluation or perform further testing when events do not progress as expected.

  • Telephone 617-355-6611

Primary care physicians

We welcome referrals from pediatricians, family physicians and other physicians in their offices and clinics for patients of an appropriate age who need further evaluation and/or treatment. Patients may be sent to the emergency department by any mode of transport deemed appropriate by the physician. It is not necessary to contact our staff prior to sending your patient to Children's, but we are available as needed.

  • Phone: 617-355-2170 (for physicians use only, please)
  • Fax: 617-730-0166

Emergency physicians

We accept all patients, of an appropriate age, from all hospitals and do not require any pre-existing transfer agreements or prior arrangements. Patients may be transferred by private automobile, ambulance, or any means deemed appropriate by the referring physician. If you decide to use Children's Critical Care Transport Team, an attending physician will mobilize a specialized team, discuss the availability of a bed, and plan for interim stabilization.

  • Communications Center for Physician-Physician Calls: 617-355-2170
  • Boston Children`s Critical Care Transport Team: 1-866-771-KIDS
  • MedFlight: 1-800-233-8998