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The Vision Therapy Service at Boston Children’s Hospital specializes in vision training , a sequence of eye exercises that are used to improve the quality and efficiency of vision. Vision therapy helps your child’s eyes work more efficiently so that they …
The Brain, Mind & Behavior Center is located at Boston Children's Brookline . 2 Brookline Place Brookline, MA 02445 For appointments, please call one of our specialty programs and services . Contact the Brain, Mind & Behavior Center. contact-us Brain, …
How is pharmacogenomics testing completed? Our pharmacogenomics panels require a simple 5 mL blood draw that can be coordinated at your convenience. The sample must be drawn at a Boston Children’s Hospital laboratory. The results are returned to the CPS …
Phone: 617-919-3685 Fax: 617-730-0453 For urgent clinical matters please call the CAPE pager at 617-355-6369 #4321 For non-urgent matters, please call the office at 617-919-3685 Business Hours: Monday – Friday (8am to 4pm) *Please allow 72 hours for …
Comprehensive care The CAPE team is available to see patients at their homes, during clinics, or during visits to Boston Children’s Hospital. Please contact our office between 8 a.m. and 4 p.m. Monday through Friday to schedule an appointment. CAPE …
For more information about our services or to schedule an appointment, please contact us at: Behavioral Health, Endocrinology, Gynecology, Urology (BEING-U) Boston Children’s Hospital 333 Longwood Avenue, 2nd Floor Boston, MA 02115 Phone: 617-355-4367 …
Resources for patients and prospective patients Resources for teens and youth CARES Foundation, Inc. provides education and research for congenital adrenal hyperplasia while providing the resources and the latest information available for managing life …
Internship training The Augmentative Communication Program at Boston Children's Hospital offers a variety of specialized graduate internship opportunities for outstanding graduate students in speech-language pathology interested in augmentative and …
Click here to like us on Facebook and receive all of our updates on your news feed! Our goal It is not our intent to review every app or media device that has been or will soon be released. Rather our goal is to provide a framework , based upon well …
Augmentative Communication Program White Paper entitled: "AAC and Mobile Apps: Growing Pains with Evidence Based Practice" (Costello, Shane and Caron 2013) App resources from Jessica Caron (as of May 2013): Feature Match Blank table Feature Match small …