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When a child’s needs can’t be met at their local hospital or on the main medical floor, they are often referred or transferred to one of the Boston Children’s Hospital intensive care units. The ICUs provide critically ill children with the highest level of medical care and continuous monitoring until their condition stabilizes.

Medical-Surgical Intensive Care Unit (MSICU)

The Medical-Surgical Intensive Care Unit (MSICU) provides post-surgical care for children and young adults following general surgery, transplantation, neurosurgery, craniofacial reconstruction, orthopedic surgery, and trauma. Our MISCU has one of the highest volume pediatric intensive care units in the U.S. and is one of the largest extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) centers. Learn about the MSICU.

Cardiac Intensive Care Unit (CICU)

The Cardiac Intensive Care Unit (CICU) cares for some of the most complex heart conditions in the world. We treat children with non-surgical conditions, such as heart failure, single ventricle defects, and hypoplastic left heart syndrome, and children with heart disease undergoing non-cardiac surgery. We also treat older patients and adults who have developed complications or need further procedures as a result of long-standing or previously treated congenital heart disease. We are one of the largest and most sophisticated pediatric cardiac intensive care units in the country. Find out more about the CICU.

Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU)

The Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) treats critically ill infants requiring complex medical and surgical care. We work closely with the Fetal Care and Surgery Center to coordinate both prenatal consultation and postnatal intensive care for infants with a wide range of prenatally diagnosed conditions. Infants admitted to the NICU are frequently referred from community hospitals because they require advanced medical or surgical therapies not available where they were born. Learn about the NICU.

Medical Intensive Care Unit (MICU)

The Medical Intensive Care Unit (MICU) at Boston Children’s Hospital provides care to critically ill children with conditions that require close and constant monitoring, including respiratory failure, serious infections, nutritional failure, poisoning, congenital anomalies, and life-threatening complications of metabolic diseases and endocrine disorders. In the MICU, our clinicians have developed specific expertise in caring for children with acute and chronic respiratory diseases. Get more information about the MICU.