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For Referring Physicians | Overview

At the Esophageal and Airway Treatment Center, evaluation and treatment of rare conditions is routine. We are here to help you provide your patients with specialty care, including the surgical expertise of world-renowned surgeons.

Our approach to care is a team effort among specialists committed to making a difference for every child. We will continue to collaborate with you and other providers in the ongoing treatment and follow-up care of your patient.

We are have the most experience in performing the Foker process to treat esophageal atresia. To date, all of the patients treated with this method as an initial treatment are able to eat and swallow like other children.

Refer a patient

Our goal is to make your referrals to us as convenient as possible for both you and your patient. Our referral center will connect you with experienced representatives who can assist you.

For referrals, please call 617-355-3038.