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Viral Core | Overview

About us

The Children’s Hospital Viral Core is located on CLS (center for life science) 13th Floor and is aimed to provide technological resources to academic investigators interested in the development and use of viral based vectors. Currently, we offer custom lentiviral vector production, custom AAV vector production with a variety of serotypes and aliquots of in-stock vector.

The Viral Core is under the direction of Dr. Zhigang He and managed by Dr. Chen Wang and technical support staff.

Services and Pricing

For a regular scale AAV custom prep, please provide at least 150ug verified plasmid DNA. Typical yield is 250ul~400ul purified virus with genomic titer between e+12gc/ml~e+14gc/ml.

For a regular scale lenti custom prep, please provide at least 100ug verified plasmid DNA. Typical yield is 150ul~200ul purified virus with genomic titer between e+11gc/ml.


Submit your online orders

Please submit your orders through the ilab site below:

Submit your DNA

Local labs can drop off DNA in our drop off/pick up fridge. Please label your tube with the plasmid name and your name. The fridge is located in the CLS building 13th floor, room 13060. It is next to bench CLS13060.13. 

Please use the following address if you choose to ship your DNA samples.

Boston Children's Hospital Viral Core

Attn: Chen Wang

3 Blackfan Circle, CLS13060

Boston, MA, 02115



It is Boston Children’s Hospital policy that all biological research including recombinant DNAs and viruses must be submitted to the Boston Children's Hospital Institutional Biosafety Committee (BCH IBC) for review and approval prior to initiation. Please provide documentation supporting that your project is approved. For questions regarding IBC registration, please contact: Despina Felis, Biosafety Officer, Phone 617-919-2288, Fax 617-730-0228, Email

* Small Scale viral prep test

For new viral vector, prior to large scale prep, we offer a service of small scale prep to confirm that the vector can be packaged without additional charge.

*Acknowledging the Core

Users are expected to acknowledge the Core in all publications that result from work supported by the Core.

Contact us

Zhigang He, PhD

F.M. Kirby Neurobiology Center
Boston Children’s Hospital
3 Blackfan Circle, CLS 13076
Boston MA 02115 USA
Tel 617-919-2353

Chen Wang, PhD

F.M. Kirby Neurobiology Center
Boston Children’s Hospital
3 Blackfan Circle, CLS 13060
Boston MA 02115 USA
Tel 617-919-2271

Viral Core | Contact Us