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US News 2023 | Overview

Boston Children’s Hospital is ranked among the best pediatric hospitals in the nation in this year’s U.S. News & World Report’s "Best Children’s Hospitals” honor roll, ranking second this year.

U.S. News created the Pediatric Honor Roll in 2009 and began ranking children’s hospitals in 2011. There are more than 100 ranked children’s hospitals, and Boston Children’s is the only hospital to be ranked #1 or #2 on U.S News & World Report’s Best Children’s Hospitals Honor Roll 13 years in a row.

"We are honored to be ranked among the nation’s top pediatric hospitals — all working toward the shared goal of making life better for children and families,” says President and CEO, Kevin B. Churchwell, MD. "For our patients and their families, Boston Children’s is a place where they come for care, answers, and hope, and we have the privilege of delivering it.”

U.S. News introduced the Best Children’s Hospitals rankings to help families of children with rare or life-threatening illnesses find the best medical care available in consultation with their doctors and other medical professionals. The rankings are among the most comprehensive sources of quality-related information on U.S. pediatric hospitals for patients and families.

U.S. News, together with RTI International, a North Carolina-based research and consulting firm, collected and analyzed data from 119 children’s hospitals and surveyed thousands of pediatric specialists. Children’s hospitals awarded a “best” designation excelled at factors such as clinical outcomes, level and quality of hospital resources directly related to patient care, and expert opinion among pediatric specialists.

For more information, visit Best Children’s Hospitals.