Current Environment: Production


This is a prospective, multicenter, open-label, randomized, controlled, parallel Phase 3 study with an open-label single-arm extension period to evaluate pharmacokinetics (PK), safety and efficacy of macitentan in children with pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH).


Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension

Recruitment Status


Eligibility Criteria

Key Inclusion Criteria:

* Signed informed consent by the parent(s) or legally designated representative and assent from developmentally capable children prior to initiation of any study-mandated procedure
* Males or females between greater than or equal to (\>=) 1 month and less than (\<) 18 years of age
* Participants with body weight \>= 3.5 kilograms (kg) at randomization
* Pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH) diagnosis confirmed by historical RHC (mPAP greater than or equal to \[\>=\] 25 millimeters of mercury \[mmHg\], and Pulmonary artery wedge pressure \[PAWP\] less than or equal to \[\<=\] 15 mmHg, and Pulmonary vascular resistance index \[PVRi\] greater than \[\>\] 3 WU × m2), where in the absence of pulmonary vein obstruction and/or significant lung disease PAWP can be replaced by Left atrium pressure \[LAP\] or Left ventricular end diastolic pressure \[LVEDP\] (in absence of mitral stenosis) assessed by heart catheterization
* PAH belonging to the Nice 2013 Updated Classification Group 1 (including participants with Down Syndrome) and of following etiologies: idiopathic PAH; heritable PAH; PAH associated with congenital heart disease (CHD); Drug or toxin induced PAH; PAH associated with HIV; PAH associated with connective tissue diseases (PAH-aCTD); and World health organization (WHO) Functional class I to III
* Females of childbearing potential must have a negative pregnancy test at Screening and at Baseline, and must agree to undertake monthly pregnancy tests, and to use a reliable method of contraception (if sexually active) up to the end of study (EOS)

Key Exclusion Criteria:

* Participants with PAH due to portal hypertension, schistosomiasis, or with pulmonary veno-occlusive disease and/or pulmonary capillary hemangiomatosis, and persistent pulmonary hypertension of the newborn
* Participants with PAH associated with Eisenmenger syndrome, or with moderate to large left-to-right shunts
* Participants receiving a combination of \> 2 PAH-specific treatments at randomization.
* Treatment with intravenous (IV) or subcutaneous (SC) prostanoids within 4 weeks before randomization, unless given for vasoreactivity testing
* Hemoglobin or hematocrit \<75 percent (%) of the lower limit of normal range
* Serum Aspartate aminotransferase (AST) and/or Alanine aminotransferase (ALT) greater than (\>) 3 times the upper limit of normal range
* Pregnancy (including family planning) or breastfeeding.
* Any circumstances or conditions, which, in the opinion of the investigator, may affect full participation in the study or compliance with the protocol
* Severe hepatic impairment, for example Child-Pugh Class C
* Clinical signs of hypotension which in the investigator's judgment would preclude initiation of a PAH-specific therapy
* Severe renal insufficiency (estimated creatinine clearance \<30 mL/min or serum creatinine \>221 micro-moles per liter \[micro-mol/L\])
* Participants with known diagnosis of bronchopulmonary dysplasia


Intervention Type

Intervention Name









Min Age

1 Month

Max Age

17 Years

Download Date


Principal Investigator


Primary Contact Information

For more information on this trial, visit


For more information and to contact the study team:

A Study to Assess Whether Macitentan Delays Disease Progression in Children With Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension (PAH) NCT02932410