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Researcher | Research Overview

Dr. Wolbrink’s academic interest is teaching and education, specifically the development of innovative educational modalities and how they can be applied locally and globally. Her research focus has been to develop and study an innovative web-based educational platform entitled OPENPediatrics. The goal of this project is to create a social learning platform so that health care providers caring for critically ill children globally can learn basic or advanced skills through videos, protocols, simulators (including mechanical ventilation simulator), interactive question & answer capability, social networking, and best practice forums. She is researching the best ways to deliver e-learning globally.


Researcher | Research Background

Dr. Wolbrink obtained her BA in Physiology and her MD from Michigan State University. She also obtained her MPH from the Harvard School of Public Health. She completed her Internal Medicine/Pediatrics Residency at Brown University, followed by a fellowship in Pediatric Critical Care at Boston Children’s Hospital. She is currently an Associate in Critical Care Medicine in the Medical Surgical Intensive Care Unit at Boston Children’s Hospital, an Assistant Professor in Anesthesia at Harvard Medical School, and is Co-Director of OPENPediatrics. She also serves as the Education Chair for the Academic Pediatric Association, Advisor for Technology-Enhanced Learning at the Harvard Macy Institute, co-chair of the International Development and Advocacy Committee for the International Simulation Society, and serves on the Executive Board for the Section on Simulation and Innovative Learning Methods for the American Academy of Pediatrics.


Researcher | Publications