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Research at Boston Children's Hospital

The research enterprise at Boston Children’s Hospital, comprising more than 3,000 researchers, is the world’s largest at a pediatric center. Our work is fueled by a deep understanding of disease biology coupled with world-class discovery platforms, including genetics and genomics, gene editing, bioinformatics, proteomics, bioengineering, image analysis, biobanks, disease-specific stem cell lines, and a range of animal models. We have special expertise in rare disease discovery, a robust Translational Research Program and large, diverse patient populations for clinical research and trials.

Featured news and research

A new anti-cancer strategy: Overriding tumor edits

Existing cancer immunotherapies don’t work for most solid tumors. A new approach could restore immune control by overriding edits tumors make to their genes.

Learn more about a new anti-cancer strategy

Creating the next generation of mRNA vaccines

Researchers have designed a new, more powerful mRNA that enhanced immune responses to the SARS-CoV-2 mRNA vaccine when used as an adjuvant.

Learn more about mRNA vaccines

Hao Wu, PhD, elected to the National Academy of Medicine

Congratulations to Hao Wu, PhD, in our Program in Cellular and Molecular Medicine. She was cited for her discovery of signalosomes, changing our understanding of innate immune signaling. Her work could lead to new therapeutic strategies for inflammation and cancer.

Learn more about the NAM announcement
Microscopic image of hair follicle cells.


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