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Researcher | Research Overview

Nadeen has the following research interests:

  • Human Resources for Health in Humanitarian Emergencies
  • Refugee care
  • Health System Strengthening

Researcher | Research Background

Selected Publications

  1. O’Sullivan, E., Abujaber, N., Ryan, M., McBride, K., Blum, P., Vallières, F. (2023). Gender Considerations for Supportive Supervision in Humanitarian Contexts: A Qualitative Study. Cambridge Prisms: Global Mental Health
  2. Ryan M, Abujaber N, Travers DÁ, McBride KA, Tingsted Blum P, Engels M, et al. (2023). The acceptability, appropriateness, and feasibility of implementing supportive supervision within humanitarian contexts: A qualitative study. SSM - Mental Health.
  3. Abujaber, N.; Travers, A.; McBride, K.; Sheaf, G.,; Blum, P.; Wiedemann, N.; Vallières, F. (2022). Examining the evidence for best practice guidelines in supportive supervision of lay healthcare providers in humanitarian emergencies: A systematic review. Journal of Global health. [2]https://doi: 10.7189/jogh.12.04017
  4. Travers A, Abujaber N, McBride K, Blum P, Wiedemann N, Vallières F. (2022). Identifying best practice for the supervision of mental health and psychosocial support in humanitarian emergencies: A Delphi study. International Journal of Mental Health Systems. [3]
  5. Abujaber, N., Alajlan, S., Jordan, G., Abujaber, S., Vallieres, F. (2021). Towards a comprehensive framework for the design and implementation of mobilehealth units in humanitarian crises: A case study in Northwestern Syria. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction. [4]