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Researcher | Research Overview

Mustafa's research focus is on the development of novel methods to treat brain injury, particularly the type of brain injury that leads to epilepsy, by identifying biological targets which can stop or prevent seizures if manipulated by either brain stimulation or by novel drugs. Currently, he is studying the neurophysiological and molecular mechanisms underlying both congenital and acquired epilepsy and the effect of novel therapeutics on the same.

Researcher | Research Background

Selected Publications:

  1. MacMullin P, Hodgson N, Damar U, Lee HHC, Hameed MQ, Dhamne SC, Hyde D, Conley GM, Morriss N, Qiu J, Mannix R, Hensch TK, Rotenberg A. Increase in Seizure Susceptibility After Repetitive Concussion Results from Oxidative Stress, Parvalbumin-Positive Interneuron Dysfunction and Biphasic Increases in Glutamate/GABA Ratio. Cereb Cortex. 2020 Nov 3;30(12):6108-6120. doi: 10.1093/cercor/bhaa157. PMID: 32676666; PMCID: PMC8248830.
  2. Klein P, Friedman A, Hameed MQ, Kaminski RM, Bar-Klein G, Klitgaard H, Koepp M, Jozwiak S, Prince DA, Rotenberg A, Twyman R, Vezzani A, Wong M, Löscher W. Repurposed molecules for antiepileptogenesis: Missing an opportunity to prevent epilepsy? Epilepsia. 2020 Mar;61(3):359-386. doi: 10.1111/epi.16450. PMID: 32196665; PMCID: PMC8317585.
  3. Hameed MQ, Hsieh TH, Morales-Quezada L, Lee HHC, Damar U, MacMullin PC, Hensch TK, Rotenberg A. Ceftriaxone Treatment Preserves Cortical Inhibitory Interneuron Function via Transient Salvage of GLT-1 in a Rat Traumatic Brain Injury Model. Cereb Cortex. 2019 Dec 17;29(11):4506-4518. doi: 10.1093/cercor/bhy328. PMID: 30590449; PMCID: PMC7150617.
  4. Purtell H, Dhamne SC, Gurnani S, Bainbridge E, Modi ME, Lammers SHT, Super CE, Hameed MQ, Johnson EL 3rd, Sahin M, Rotenberg A. Electrographic spikes are common in wildtype mice. Epilepsy Behav. 2018 Dec;89:94-98. doi: 10.1016/j.yebeh.2018.09.003. Epub 2018 Nov 3. PMID: 30399547; PMCID: PMC7325561.
  5. Dhamne SC, Silverman JL, Super CE, Lammers SHT, Hameed MQ, Modi ME, Copping NA, Pride MC, Smith DG, Rotenberg A, Crawley JN, Sahin M. Replicable in vivo physiological and behavioral phenotypes of the Shank3B null mutant mouse model of autism. Mol Autism. 2017 Jun 15;8:26. doi: 10.1186/s13229-017-0142-z. PMID: 28638591; PMCID: PMC5472997.
  6. Hsieh TH, Lee HHC, Hameed MQ, Pascual-Leone A, Hensch TK, Rotenberg A. Trajectory of Parvalbumin Cell Impairment and Loss of Cortical Inhibition in Traumatic Brain Injury. Cereb Cortex. 2017 Dec 1;27(12):5509-5524. doi: 10.1093/cercor/bhw318. PMID: 27909008; PMCID: PMC6075565.
  7. Petr GT, Sun Y, Frederick NM, Zhou Y, Dhamne SC, Hameed MQ, Miranda C, Bedoya EA, Fischer KD, Armsen W, Wang J, Danbolt NC, Rotenberg A, Aoki CJ, Rosenberg PA. Conditional deletion of the glutamate transporter GLT-1 reveals that astrocytic GLT-1 protects against fatal epilepsy while neuronal GLT-1 contributes significantly to glutamate uptake into synaptosomes. J Neurosci. 2015 Apr 1;35(13):5187-201. doi: 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.4255-14.2015. PMID: 25834045; PMCID: PMC4380995.
  8. Wang Y, Hameed MQ, Rakhade SN, Iglesias AH, Muller PA, Mou DL, Rotenberg A. Hippocampal immediate early gene transcription in the rat fluid percussion traumatic brain injury model. Neuroreport. 2014 Aug 20;25(12):954-9. doi: 10.1097/WNR.0000000000000219. PMID: 24978397.
  9. Hameed MQ, Goodrich GS, Dhamne SC, Amandusson A, Hsieh TH, Mou D, Wang Y, Rotenberg A. A rapid lateral fluid percussion injury rodent model of traumatic brain injury and post-traumatic epilepsy. Neuroreport. 2014 May 7;25(7):532-6. doi: 10.1097/WNR.0000000000000132. PMID: 24553065.
  10. Goodrich GS, Kabakov AY, Hameed MQ, Dhamne SC, Rosenberg PA, Rotenberg A. Ceftriaxone treatment after traumatic brain injury restores expression of the glutamate transporter, GLT-1, reduces regional gliosis, and reduces post- traumatic seizures in the rat. J Neurotrauma. 2013 Aug 15;30(16):1434-41. doi: 10.1089/neu.2012.2712. Epub 2013 Jul 25. PMID: 23510201; PMCID: PMC3741415.


Researcher | Publications