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Researcher | Research Overview

Research Focus Areas:

  • Developmental Psychopathology
  • Evidence-Based Psychological Treatments
  • Child, Adolescent, Family, and Adult Clinical Psychology
  • Refugee and Immigrant Mental Health
  • Multicultural Psychology & Social Justice

Researcher | Research Background

Jeffrey P. Winer, PhD, is an Attending Psychologist within the Trauma and Community Resilience Center at Boston Children’s Hospital and an Assistant Professor at Harvard Medical School. Dr. Winer’s work is primarily focused on developing, disseminating, and implementing culturally responsive and trauma-informed psychological interventions for youth and families of refugee and immigrant backgrounds. The values of equity, anti-racism, and structural systems change are at the center of this work. Along with his colleagues at the TCRC, he is deeply involved in the continued development, dissemination, and implementation of Trauma Systems Therapy for Refugees (TST-R), a clinical and organizational model for the efficient and effective delivery of psychosocial services for youth of refugee and immigrant backgrounds. He is the recipient of a Thrasher Research Fund Early Career Award and is co-author of Mental Health Practice with Immigrant and Refugee Youth, published by the American Psychological Association in 2019. Outside of his work at Boston Children’s Hospital, he continues to work at the McLean Hospital 3East Adolescent DBT Partial Hospital Program and maintains a private practice.

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Researcher | Publications