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Join | Overview


We are looking for new colleagues from diverse backgrounds, including: immunology, tissue biology, cell and molecular biology, transcriptomics and genomics, bioengineering, and computational and systems biology. We aim to build an interdisciplinary and collaborative lab, where scientists work together to benefit and learn from each other's insights.

We believe knowledge in mathematics, chemistry, physics, engineering, and medicine are fundamental to help us achieve our goal. Accordingly, our lab is open to candidates from a range of biological sciences, chemical and physical sciences, and engineering. No particular experience or training is required. We are interested in growing our team at all levels, from summer interns and undergraduate students, to postdoctoral and clinical fellows. Please see below for more details and contact Xu if you are interested!

Postdoc fellows

Candidates with experience in immunology and disease physiology are encouraged to apply. Please send a cover letter briefly stating your research achievements and future interests, a CV, and contact info for three references to Xu.

Graduate students

For Harvard Medical School/Harvard University affiliated graduate programs, please contact Xu to set up a time for discussion of possible rotation projects.

Undergraduate students/summer interns

For Harvard Medical School/Harvard University affiliated graduate programs, please contact Xu to set up a time for discussion of possible rotation projects.

Visiting scholars

We welcome both domestic and International visiting scholars. Please reach out to Xu and include your CV, research interests, what you will bring to the lab, and what you hope to achieve during your stay in the lab.

Zhou Lab | Contact Us