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  1. Weitzman ER, Blakemore LM, Pierce SE, Kossowsky J, Levy S. Returning Genetic Information About Risk for Alcohol Use Disorder to Adolescents: Findings of a Preliminary Qualitative Study of Precision Prevention. AJPM Focus. 2023;3(1):100153. Published 2023 Oct 1. doi:10.1016/j.focus.2023.100153
  2. Weitzman ER, Minegishi M, Cox R, Wisk LE. Associations Between Patient-Reported Outcome Measures of Physical and Psychological Functioning and Willingness to Share Social Media Data for Research Among Adolescents With a Chronic Rheumatic Disease: Cross-Sectional Survey. JMIR Pediatr Parent. 2023;6:e46555. Published 2023 Dec 6. doi:10.2196/46555
  3. Levy S, Minegishi M, Brogna M, et al. Comparing the Performance of WMH-CIDI-SAM with Adolescents to Diagnoses Made by Pediatric Addiction Medicine Specialists. Journal of Addiction Medicine. Published online 2023 September.
  4. Levy S, Brogna M, Minegishi M**, Subramaniam G, McCormack J, Kline M, Menzin E, Allende-Richter S, Fuller A, Lewis M, Collins J, Hubbard Z, Mitchell SG, Weiss R, Weitzman ER. Assessment of Screening Tools for Identifying Substance Use Disorders in Adolescents: Results of the Adolescent Screening To Help Eliminate Misuse Trial. JAMA Network Open. 2023 May 22;6(5):e2314422. PMID: 37213103.
  5. Oliver A**, Kossowsky J**, Minegishi M**, Levy S, Weitzman ER. The association of vaping and social/emotional health and attitudes towards COVID-19 mitigation measures in adolescent and young adult cohorts during the COVID-19 pandemic. Substance Abuse. 2023 April 26; 08897077231165860. PMCID: PMC10133863.
  6. Weitzman ER, Gaultney A, von Scheven E, Ringold S, Mann CM, Magane KM, Lin L, Leverty R, Dennos A, Hernandez A, Lippmann SJ, Dedeoglu F, Marin AC, Cox R, Reeve BB, Schanberg LE. Construct validity of Patient-Reported Outcomes Measurement Information System Pediatric measures in juvenile idiopathic arthritis and systemic lupus erythematosus: cross-sectional evaluation. BMJ Open, 2023 Jan;13(1):e063675. PMID: 36707118.
  7. Levy S, Wisk LE**, Minegishi M**, Lunstead J, Weitzman ER. Pediatric subspecialist alcohol screening rates and concerns about alcohol and cannabis use among their adolescent patients. Journal of Adolescent Health, 2022 Oct;71(4S):S34-S40. PMID: 36122967.
  8. Levy S, Weitzman ER. SBIRT for Adolescents and Young Adults: Critical Issues for Practice, Policy, and Strengthening the Substance Use Continuum of Care. Journal of Adolescent Health Special Addition, 2022 Oct;71(4S):S7-S8.
  9. Weitzman ER, Wisk LE**, Minegishi M**, Cox R, Lunstead J, Brogna M, Levy S. Effects of a patient-centered intervention to reduce alcohol use among youth with chronic medical conditions. Journal of Adolescent Health, 2022 Oct;71(4S):S24-S33. PMID: 36122966.
  10. Tsevat RK, Weitzman ER, Wisk LE**. Indicators of Healthcare Transitions Progress among College Youth with Type 1 Diabetes. Academic Pediatrics, 2022 Sep 3;(22)00423-5. PMID: 26067922.
  11. Levy S, Wisk LE**, Minegishi M**, Ertman B, Lunstead J, Brogna M, Weitzman ER. Association of Screening and Brief Intervention with Substance Use in Massachusetts Middle and High Schools. Journal of the American Medical Association Network Open, 2022 Aug 1;5(8):e2226886. PMID: 35972741.
  12. Weitzman ER, Kossowsky J**, Blakemore LM, Cox R, Dowling DJ, Levy O, Needles EW, Levy S. Acceptability of a Fentanyl Vaccine to Prevent Opioid Overdose and Need for Personalized Decision-Making. Clinical Infectious Diseases. 2022 Aug 15;75(Supplement_1):S98-S109. PMCID: PMC9376272.
  13. Weitzman ER, Sherman AC, Levy O. Pediatric Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) Vaccines: Perceptions and Attitudes from the Food and Drug Administration Public Commentary. Clinical Infectious Diseases. 2022 Aug 15;75(Supplement_1):S45-S50. PMCID: PMC9129203.
  14. Levy S, Fuller A, Kelly S, Lunstead J, Weitzman ER, Straus JH. A phone consultation call line to support SBIRT in pediatric primary care. Frontiers in Psychiatry, Addictive Disorders. 2022 May 11; 13:882486. PMCID: PMC9130490.
  15. Forrest CB, Schuchard J, Bruno C, Amaral S, Cox ED, Flynn KE, Hinds PS, Huang I, Kappelman MD, Krishnan JA, Kumar R, Lai J, Paller AS, Phipatanakul W, Schanberg LE, Sumino K, Weitzman ER, Reeve BB. Self-Reported Health Outcomes of Children and Youth with 10 Chronic Diseases. Journal of Pediatrics. 2022 Jul;246:207-212.e1. PMCID: PMC9232908.
  16. Hausmann JS**, Weitzman ER. The Promises and Perils of Social Media for Pediatric Rheumatology. Rheumatic Disease Clinics of North America. 2022 Feb;48(1):233-243. PMCID: PMC8630809.
  17. Hausmann J**, Vizcaino-Riveros J, Marin AC, Minegishi M, Cox R, Chang M, Schanberg LE, Natter M, Weitzman ER. Feasibility and efficacy of online strategies to recruit parents of children with rheumatic diseases for research. ACR Open Rheumatology, 2022 May;4(5):410-416. PMID: 35150085.
  18. Sharp KJ, Vitagliano JA, Weitzman ER, Fitzgerald S, Dahlberg SE, Austin SB. Monitoring Peer-to-Peer, Social Media Communication by Military Personnel About Dietary Supplements Used for Weight Loss and Sports Performance: A Pilot Content Analysis of 11 Years of Posts on the Reddit Platform. Journal of Medical Internet Research. 2021 Oct 4;5(10):e28957. PMCID: PMC8524331.
  19. Wisk LE**, Magane KM, Nelson EB, Tsevat RK, Levy S, Weitzman ER. Psychoeducational Messaging to Reduce Alcohol Use for College Students with Type 1 diabetes: Results from an Internet-Delivered Pilot Trial. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 2021, Sep 30; 23(9):e26418. PMID: 34591022.
  20. Levy S, Wisk LE**, Chadi N**, Lunstead J, Shrier LA, Weitzman ER. Validation of a single question for the assessment of past three-month alcohol consumption among adolescents. Drug and Alcohol Dependance, 2021, Sep 10;28:109026, PMID: 34536715.
  21. Levy S, Evins AE, Schuster RM, Green L, Lunstead J, Fuller A, Needles EW, Weitzman ER. Virtual Group Therapy Programs-The Wave of the Future. Journal of Adolescent Health. 2021 Sep;69(3):527. PMID: 24452730.
  22. Weitzman ER, Sherman AC, Levy O. SARS-CoV-2 mRNA vaccine attitudes as expressed in U.S. FDA public commentary: Need for a public-private partnership in a Learning Immunization System. Frontiers in Public Health. 2021 July 16; 9:695807. PMCID: PMC8322674.
  23. Levy S, Deister D, Fantegrossi J, Green L, Lunstead J, Martinez T, Riccardelli W, Schizer M, Schram J, Schram P, Weitzman ER. Virtual Care in an Outpatient Subspecialty Substance Use Disorder Treatment Program. Journal of Addiction Medicine. 2021 June;16(2), e112-e117. PMID: 34128485.
  24. Levy S, Tennermann N, Wiseblatt A, Marin, AC, Shrier L, Garvey K, Dedeoglu F, Fishman L, Weitzman ER. Safety Protocols for Adolescent Substance Use Research in Clinical Settings. Journal of Adolescent Health. 2021 May;68(5):999-1005. PMID: 32994123.
  25. Kossowsky J**, Magane KM, Levy S, Weitzman ER. Marijuana Use to Address Symptoms and Side Effects by Youth With Chronic Medical Conditions. Pediatrics. 2021 Mar;147(3):e2020021352. PMID: 33542147.
  26. Tsevat RK, Weitzman ER, Wisk LE**. Indicators of Healthcare Transition Progress Among College Youth with Type 1 Diabetes. Journal of Adolescent Health. 2021 Feb; 68(2), S50-S52.
  27. Marin AM, Wisk LE**, Minegishi M, Lunstead J, Levy S, Weitzman ER. Adolescent Attitudes Toward Substance Use Screening in School Settings. Journal of Adolescent Health. 2021 Feb; 68(2), S53 - S54.
  28. Levy S, Weitzman ER, Marin AC, Magane KM, Wisk LE**, Shrier LA. Sensitivity and Specificity of S2BI for Identifying Alcohol and Cannabis Use Disorders Among Adolescents Presenting for Primary Care Substance Abuse. 2021;42(3):388-395. PMID: 32814009.
  29. Chadi N**, Levy S, Weitzman ER. Moving beyond perceived riskiness: Marijuana-related beliefs and marijuana use in adolescents. Journal of Substance Abuse. 2020, Jul; 41(3):297-300. PMID: 31361591.
  30. Harstad E, Sideridis G, Kaye D, Wisk LE**, Weitzman ER, Levy S. Parental Perceptions about Alcohol Use for Their Adolescent with ADHD. Journal of Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics. 2020, May; 41(5):366-372. PMID: 32168259.
  31. Chadi N**, Levy S, Wisk LE**, Weitzman ER. Student Experience of School Screening, Brief Intervention and Referral to Treatment (SBIRT). Journal of School Health. 2020, Mar; 90(6): 431-438. PMID: 32212160.
  32. Wisk LE**, Weitzman ER. Sex, Drugs, and Chronic Conditions: Promoting Health by Understanding and Addressing Risks with Medically Vulnerable Adolescents. Journal of Adolescent Health. 2020, Feb;66(2): S46-S47.
  33. Wisk LE**, Magane KM, Levy S, Weitzman ER. Alcohol Use Behaviors and Reasons to Abstain from or Limit Drinking among Medically Vulnerable Youth. Journal of Addiction Medicine. 2020, July, 14(4):311-318. PMID: 31985512. 
  34. Weitzman ER, Magane KM, Chen PH, Amiri H**, Naimi TS, Wisk LE**. Online Searching and Social Media to Detect Alcohol Use Risk at Population Scale. American Journal of Preventive Medicine. 2020 Jan; 58(1): 79-88. PMID: 31806270.
  35. Weitzman ER, Ong MS. Rising Prevalence of Comorbid Alcohol and Opioid Use Disorders in Adolescents and Young Adults in the United States. Journal of General Internal Medicine. 2019 Oct; 34(10): 1987-1989. PMCID: PMC6816705.
  36. Chadi N**, Li G, Cerda N, Weitzman ER. Depressive Symptoms and Suicidality in Adolescents Using E-Cigarettes and Marijuana: A Secondary Data Analysis from the Youth Risk Behavior Survey. Journal of Addiction Medicine. 2019 Sep/Oct; 13(5): 362-365. PMID: 30688723.
  37. Wisk LE**, Magane KM, Levy S, Weitzman ER. A Comparative Effectiveness Trial to Reduce Alcohol Use for College Students with Type 1 Diabetes. Pediatric Diabetes. 2019 Jun;68(S1)
  38. Lunstead J, Levy S, Wisk LE**, Weitzman ER. Screening and Counseling for Alcohol use in Adolescents with Chronic Medical Conditions in the Ambulatory Setting. Journal of Adolescent Health. 2019 Jun; 64(6): 804-806. PMCID: PMC6540811.
  39. Wisk LE**, Levy S, Weitzman ER. Parental views on state cannabis laws and marijuana use for their medically vulnerable children. Drug and Alcohol Dependence. 2019 Jun; 199: 59-67. PMID: 30999251.
  40. Wisk LE**, Nelson E, Magane KM, Weitzman ER. Clinical Trial Recruitment and Retention of College Students with Type 1 Diabetes via Social Media: An Implementation Case Study. Journal of Diabetes Science and Technology. 2019 May; 13(3): 445-456. PMCID: PMC6501540.
  41. Wisk LE**, Magane KM, Nelson E, Weitzman ER. Response to the Letter to the Editor From Mayen et al Regarding "Clinical Trial Recruitment and Retention of College Students with Type 1 Diabetes via Social Media: An Implementation Case Study" [letter]. Journal of Diabetes Science and Technology. 2020 Jan 14. PMID: 31617408.
  42. Levy S, Weitzman ER. Acute Mental Health Symptoms in Adolescent Marijuana Users. Journal of the American Medical Association Pediatrics. 2019 Feb; 173(2): 185-186. PMCID: PMC6439604.
  43. Weitzman ER, Salimian PL, Rabinow L, Levy S. Perspectives on substance use among youth with chronic medical conditions and implications for clinical guidance and prevention: A qualitative study. PLoS One. 2019 Jan 23; 14(1): e0209963. PMCID: PMC6343873.
  44. Weitzman ER, Magane KM, Wisk LE**. How Returning Aggregate Research Results Impacts Interest in Research Engagement and Planned Actions Relevant to Health Care Decision Making: Cohort Study. Journal of Medical Internet Research. 2018 Dec 21; 20(12): e10647. PMCID: PMC6320417.
  45. Weitzman ER, Magane KM, Wisk LE**, Allario J, Harstad E, Levy S. Alcohol Use and Alcohol-Interactive Medications among Medically Vulnerable Youth. Pediatrics. 2018 Oct; 142(4): e20174026. PMCID: PMC6317570.
  46. Knight A, Vickery M, Faust L, Muscal E, Davis A, Harris J, Hersh AO, Rodriguez M, Onel K, Rubinstein T, Washington N, Weitzman ER, Conlon H, Woo JMP, Gerstbacher D, von Scheven E. Gaps in Mental Health Care for Adolescents with Rheumatologic Conditions: A Mixed Methods Study of Perspectives from Behavioral Health Providers. Arthritis Care and Research. 2018 May; 71(5): 591-601. PMID: 29953741.
  47. Mitchell PB, Ziniel SI, Savage SK, Christensen KD, Weitzman ER, Green RC, Huntington NL, Mathews DJ, Holm IA. Enhancing Autonomy in Biobank Decisions: Too Much of a Good Thing? Journal of Empirical Research and Human Research Ethics. 2018 Apr; 13(2): 125-138. PMID: 29471711.
  48. Weitzman ER, Wisk LE**, Salimian PK, Magane KM, Dedeoglu F, Hersh AO, Kimura Y, Mandl K, Ringold S, Natter M. Adding patient-reported outcomes to a multisite registry to quantify quality of life and experiences of disease and treatment for youth with juvenile idiopathic arthritis. Journal of Patient Reported Outcome. 2018 Jan 4; 2(1). PMCID: PMC5891162.

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